Product Design - Blog

My Process

My Process
Product Designer

My Process

1. Learn

Arguably the most important phase of UX design. I believe in order to build the best product, I have first to understand the problem, the industry/product space the problem is in, the people experiencing this problem and the context of the existence of the solution. This phase includes defining these major points:

  • Product definition
  • Project goals
  • Target Audience
  • Competitor and Market analysis
  • Product Specifications
  • Content Requirements
  • Problem Statement
  • Users needs
  • Pain points and opportunities
  • Product Objectives*

2. Ideate

In what I consider to be the second phase of my UX/UI process, my main goal is to develop easy-to-use and intuitive design solutions that meet the client's/company’s user and business needs.

In order to achieve this, I delve into multiple brainstorming and ideation sessions, constantly iterating on different ideas and potential solutions till I arrive at a theory or some theories I consider to be the best problem fit based on my understanding from the first phase. The phase is carried out and finalized through ideation sessions, sketching and the creation of wireframes.

3. Design/Create

UX and Visual Strategy

To succeed, every digital product has to be aesthetically appealing, functional, robust, distinctive and memorable. To ensure that the right balance of these components is maintained I always stay in close contact with the client and address every project holistically.

My philosophy when designing a solution is to create a product that’s aesthetically pleasing, functional, intuitive and specific to the user’s everyday needs and the client's business needs. To achieve this, I endeavour to maintain constant contact with the critical stakeholders for the entirety of the project. This phase usually entails creating prototypes, design specifications and occasionally, design systems.

4. Implement

The fourth and final phase of my process revolves around validating the solution with the stakeholders and end-users through a series of personal and user testing, followed by the design handoff to the developers.

I believe the design process doesn’t end with the handoff to the developers, as a UI/UX designer,  it’s important to constantly test and validate the effectiveness of the solution even after the product launch.

Let’s make something together, say hi.